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COVID-19 Safety Plan

Drop Off and Pick Up  

In order to limit traffic and exposure throughout the school, parents/care takers will be asked to drop off and pick up their child at their assigned classroom door. Assigned doors will be given to the students when the teacher assignments are emailed out in August. Teachers will meet the students at the assigned doors and touchless thermometers will be used to take each student’s temperature. Any child with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be asked to return to their parent/care taker. Apple Tree employees will also have a temperature checks at the beginning of each work day.


Hygiene and Sanitation

Upon arrival, students will sanitize their hands with hand sanitizer and proceed to hanging up their personal belonging. Students will not gather with students from other classrooms at any time. Teachers and aides will use hand sanitizer as they enter or leave any classroom. Students will sanitize their hands before and after play and before and after snack time. Tables, chairs and other high touch surfaces, including toys, will be disinfected after each class (after the morning classes and again after the afternoon classes).


Classroom Supplies  

This year we will provide individual supplies as much as possible. Each child with have a zipper pouch with their own crayons, scissors, glue and pencil. Other shared classroom materials will be sanitized before and after each use.



Teachers and aides will wear masks or use face shields while in the school. We will utilize face shields in order for the children to see facial expressions or lip movements. At this time, we are not requiring, but strongly encouraging children to wear a face mask to school as well. We will provide a child sized lanyard to clip to their face mask to avoid dropping or losing the mask but ask the parents to provide the mask for their child. Please have some way to identify your child’s mask by writing their name in it or by some other method. We recommend having your child practice wearing a mask before school begins. We understand there are challenges with mask wearing and small children and will make changes to this policy as needed.


Sick Policy

Children and employees are asked to stay home if they have any of the following symptoms including:

  • Shortness of breath, sore throat or persistent cough,

  • Temperature higher than 100.4 degrees,

  • Congestion or runny nose,

  • Chills or muscle aches,

  • Loss of taste or smell.

Children who become sick while at school will be isolated from the other students and asked to wear a mask while their parent or caretaker is contacted to pick them up.


Children and employees showing COVID-19 symptoms should not return to school until they have followed all of the criteria established by the Davis County Health Dept. or their health care provider.


Parents and employees are encouraged to notify Apple Tree Schoolhouse if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or been in close contact with someone who has tested positive.


If an employee or student tests positive for COVID-19 we will work with the Davis County Health Dept. which may include closure of a classroom or the school for a period of time, students and employees may need to quarantine for up to 14 days.  If an employee or student is confirmed to have COVID-19, parents will be informed of their child’s possible exposure to COVID-19 but maintain confidentiality as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).



Visitors who come to Apple Tree Schoolhouse, including parents, will be asked to wear a mask while in the school. Hand sanitizer will be provided to clean hands upon entering the school. In order to minimize the number of people in the school, a drop off and pick up procedure will be utilized.

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